1. Click on this link and download it >>!QGY1gACZ!8o0M7GUpWs6IRP45o6XsyDb-QfCeBSW96RMAK9cHlCo
2. Unzip it and open "Continuum_2019_Adobe_12_0_0_windows.exe" and follow these instructions to install.
Press "I accept the agreement", then "next", choose your AE Version, put your personal info. You dont need to put your real information there BUT you need to put a valid email adress, on the next window make sure the path written is "C:\Program Files\BorisFX\ContinuumAE, click on next and then hit install.
Once it is Installed it will give you a few options, choose "complete installation without entering a license", then click next and then finish
3. Go to the crack folder and copy the 4 .dll files.
4. Go to "C:\Program Files\BorisFX\ContinuumAE\12\lib" and paste and replace the 4 .dll files in there.
Open After Effects or if it was already open close it and re-open it. It should be there and fully functioning.
If there are any problems feel free to contact me on my instagram account: richbruder